Changes, A Twinlab CompanyTwinlab, Answers for Life

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   Thermo-Lift Weight Management:
    Capsules, meal replacements, body gels and more for complete fat loss.
   Skin & Body
    Defeat wrinkles and other signs of aging with the latest in skin care.
   Super Antioxidants

Advanced CoQ10

   Focused Nutritional Solutions
    Improve memory, sleep, mobility and more with these specialized supplements.
   Natural Healing & Defense
    Noni, Aloe and Soy products for advanced healing and protection against illness.
   Vitamin & Minerals:
    Advanced daily nutrition for optimal health, performance and longevity.
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Advanced CoQ10™
900% more bioavailable than the typical Co-Enzyme Q10 hard gel capsule!

Use with Time Fighters for Men or Women for optimal daily nutrition.

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coq10_care.gif (7494 bytes)Although it is most well known for its documented beneficial effects in relation to cardiovascular diseases, CoQ10 has actions that go far beyond the heart. For example, in humans, CoQ10 levels decline with age. This is significant because evidence suggests that a vast number of diseases, including muscular dystrophy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, neurological disorders, and even certain cancers, may respond well to CoQ10 supplementation, and indeed may be associated with a CoQ10 deficiency.

Research has also shown a strong tendency towards reduced immune function when plasma levels of CoQ10 are depleted. In both normal and immune-depressed individuals, administration of CoQ10 has improved numerous parameters of immune response.

What is CoQ10?

CoQ10 is a biochemical vital to every cell in the human body, playing a crucial role in so many essential activities within our system that detailing all of them requires a medical journal!

Its importance is underscored by understanding that CoQ10 -- one of the most powerful antioxidants known to science -- is also known as ubiquinone, taken from the Latin word ubique, meaning “everywhere”. The English word ubiquitous, meaning “appearing everywhere at the same time”, also gives a hint as to the highly regarded nature of CoQ10.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is found within the mitochondria of human cells. Mitochondria are the engines of the cell, producing much of the ATP that powers many cellular functions. ATP, or adenosine tri-phosphate, is the “fuel” for each cell, and is vital for cell life. CoQ10 is an intermediate compound in a chain of reactions your body goes through to produce ATP.

It’s not hard to imagine the human heart as an engine. And because the heart is made up of tissues that require a constant supply of energy -- just like any high performance engine -- high levels of CoQ10 are required to keep it running. That’s why CoQ10’s most highly regarded functions have to do with cardiovascular health.

Despite its power and presence, quality pharmaceutical CoQ10 is hard to attain and costly as well. In addition, until Changes International and Twinlab Corporation set out to bring a superior product to market at a reasonable price, CoQ10’s bioavailability – the body’s ability to access ingested forms – was considered marginal at best.

When taken orally, CoQ10 is disseminated throughout the blood stream and ideally, absorbed by cells needing protection. However, much research suggests traditional supplemental CoQ10 may not be absorbed into the blood stream at significant levels.

Enter Changes with its “ultra-absorbable” Advanced CoQ10 in a micelle-enclosed emulsion soft gelatin capsule. In a significant and well-regarded double blind study, CoQ10 levels in the micelle-enclosed emulsion soft gelatin capsule – Changes Tru-Sorb technology -- increased the overall amount of blood stream (serum) CoQ10 by 927% over regular hard gel capsules!

Tru-Sorb technology not only assures consumers the ultimate in physiological benefits from CoQ10, but represents a remarkable economic benefit as well. Based on the results of the TruSorb study, the savings is clear: to receive an equivalent benefit using competitive crystalline CoQ10 in hard gel capsules, an individual would have to ingest more than 9 times the amount readily available to the body in Changes Advanced CoQ10! Advanced CoQ10, part of the CardioCare lineup of products from Changes.

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Changes®, Twinlab® Super Antioxidants may be used daily and in conjunction for increased benefit:

Advanced CoQ10
    A powerful antioxidant particularly for the health and performance of the cardiovascular system. Our formula has been demonstrated in tests to be 900% more absorbable than the typical CoQ10 hard capsule: More value, more effectiveness, more quality.
Perfor-Max OPC Formula
    6 sources of OPC antioxidants! Including a powerful grape seed, pine bark extract with additional antioxidants for maximum protection against free radical aging and related disease. Reputed to be 50 times for powerful than vitiman E, and 20 times more powerul than vitiman C.
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